Initial Consultation

At Brewe Layman, we know that divorce can be one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. We also know that people come to the decision to divorce gradually and with mixed emotions. Our attorneys are prepared to work with you, at your pace—whatever that is.

Some clients seek aggressive, no-stone-unturned representation in order to expedite the process as quickly as the courts will allow and to achieve a fair and favorable financial and child-custody result. In other cases, both parties agree on the key issues, but may need some counsel and assistance to finalize the details. In still other situations, one or both parties may have lingering doubts about the best course of action for the marriage and are seeking a slower pace.

Since no two divorces are alike, our attorneys are prepared to meet our clients wherever they are. We are staunch client advocates and aggressive court-room litigators; we are skilled and seasoned mediators and negotiators; and four of our attorneys are trained in Collaborative Law methodology.

The following is a partial list of documents you should compile to bring with you to your initial consultation:

  • Complete federal income tax returns with W-2s for the past three (3) years
  • Current paystubs for both parties
  • Most recent statement you have for all IRA, 401-K, investment, pension, stock option, deferred compensation and retirement accounts
  • Social Security benefit statement for both parties
  • A list of all of your debts including mortgage balances
  • Prenuptial, Postnuptial and Community Property Agreements
  • Corporate tax returns (last 5 years) for any business in which the parties have an interest
  • Life Insurance Policies including the declaration pages
  • Assessed tax valuation statements for any real property
  • Appraisals on any real property owned by the parties which are less than two (2) years old
  • Any financial statements completed by the parties in the last three (3) years

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How to Prepare for your Initial Consultation


We take pride in bringing you experienced and ethical legal
representation in a manner that feels surprisingly approachable.